Friday, May 14, 2010

Video Games

I agree with your agruement. But first of all, whoever enjoys playing a game about raping women, and forcing them to get an abortion is just sick and disgusting, and degrates women to the max. These actions are NEVER okay, under any circumstances, real life or video game. It is the parent's responsibility to watch what game their child is playing, and games like "Rapelay" should be at the top of every parents NO list. I understant that there are age requiremnets on the boxes of video games, but it doesn't mean that it makes it okay for a 18 year old to buy games that are considered pornographic. Video games like these could lead to sexual disorders, and could corrupt the minds of many minors. I cannot believe that someone would put there time and effort in not only playing the game but creating it.

Video Game Blog

Climate Bill, WE NEED YOU!

I would think that because of the recent oil spill in the Gulf, the climate bill would be pushed to the top of the list. Unfortunately, its not simply because midterm elections could "distract" lawmakers, and the Supreme Court nominations are currently keeping them busy. This is why I have difficulty understanding our government. We have an issue now, that can be fixed now, but what do we do? Nothing; we decide to put it off until after elections in order for our so called elected officials (who are supposed to represent our nation and our people) can make a quick buck on whether or not to vote for the bill. The nation is currently loosing about 210,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf every single day, and the valve exploded on April 30th. Thats roughly 3,150,000 gallons of oil that has destroyed the habitats of ocean life, put shrimp and fish boats out of business temporarily, and wasted so much money (over 445 million.) Not only does the Climate Bill limit offshore drilling; it also is supposed to cut carbon emissions by 17% in 2020, and charge large coal-fired power plants for how much carbon they emit. This is a vital part of the bill because it will help slow down global warming, and protecting the future lives of American citizens. President Obama states that "The challenges we face — underscored by the immense tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico — are reason to redouble our efforts to reform our nation's energy policies." Let's get to it Mr. Obama!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Arizona, Arizona, Arizona

I agree with you all the way. I applaud Arizona for taking the necessary steps to get immigration under control, they are just going about it all wrong! Im sure some kind of board of educated officials could come up with a better way to handle this situation rather than calling out people that could "look" like they are immigrants. I can only see bad things happening coming from this law. Im not saying all cops are crooked, innocent people could possibly get screwed over this ridiculous law. Hopefully the law is specific enough that problems do not arise from this. As far as immigration goes, I believe that we could be mistreating people who are working towards a better life for thier families, and trying to make a better living. But I also agree that American citizens have spent enough money on illegal immigrants, and something must be done. I am not picking sides, but Arizona should probably jusify the bill to make it a little less harsh.

I bet Mexicans clean their house...


The people in our present day government of the United States appear to be completely and utterly ludacris in almost every way. One of the main things that bug me the most is the fact that most Republicans are still way too concerned that McCain did not win the Presidential election. Since then, many Republicans have given President Obama hell. Instead of trying to better the government and the people it protects, they much rather bash Obama like they are some school-yard bully that didn't get picked to play kickball or something. For example, the stimulus package that President Obama signed in his first year was totally unacceptable to the Republicans; even though one year later, our economy is starting to pull out of its recession which was created by the Bush Administration. It doesnt make sense for one party to be completely against something that could, in time, better our nation. Another example, a more recent one in fact is the health care bill. To me, if someone were to vote no to universal health care it would be like turning your back to a person in need. Frankly, I dont have the slightest clue on why most Republicans voted no to the health care reform. If you were involved in the government, your duty is to make the best out of the nation with what we have. If the people are voting yes to the reform and our government officials are saying no, thats an issue. Now I understand that the democrats and republicans have different views, but decisions should be made civilally, I mean we are called the UNITED States of America for cryin' out loud.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Visitation Rights; What's Next?

John Amato of Crooks and Liars writes in giving Obama a thumbs up on signing a memorandum stating that gays and lesbians are now allowed to have non-family visitors and to grant them the medical power of attorney. The same sex marriage ball is now a'rolling. Obama also ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit discrimination during hospital visitation.
This memo means the world to many sick people whose loved one is not allowed to visit them when they are needed the most. I am glad to hear that Obama has done something that effects the lives of millions, being that this memo isn't that big of a deal. Although Amato and I agree about the newly signed memo, there is already commotion about it. People against gay marriage called this memo a "red herring", and argue that advocates are providing special rights to gays and lesbians that others do not have. I was a little confused when i read this because hw can you argue that point when you ARE allowed to visit family or spouse, and you ARE allowed to marry without getting spit on. I'm glad Obama had the guts to do this, it shows that he wants and tries to do all the right things not just for rich, white, politicians; but for the people. ALL people. And for that I thank you President Obama!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Health Care vs. Republicans

It was pretty easy evaluating who the intended audience is in this editorial. The attitude E.J. Dionne Jr shows to the Republicans is very one sided, and he is definately leaning more to the Democratic side of things. The reason why I know this is because everything Dionne says about the Republicans has a negative tone, and you can almost hear the dissatisfaction in his statements. On the other hand, comments made about Obama and the Democrats are different, they are more understanding and open-minded. Dionne's credibility is very impressive- he has written three books, one of which won the Los Angeles Book Prize and was nominated for the National Book Awards. Dionne also is a frequent commentator on politics for National Public Radio, ABC's "This Week", and NBC's "Meet The Press". I believe that Dionne's opinion should be respected because he does have tons of knowledge of politics and has proved that by winning a prize for his journalism and political understanding. Dionne's argument is this; he wants to see what the Republicans can come with concerning the health-care summit. Obama put Republicans on the spot to see what they could come up with for the health-care reform because the Republicans have appearantley denied almost all ideas coming from Obama and the Democrats. The Republicans, or specifically Boehner, want the Democrats to fail with health-care because that will show that the Republicans can govern more effectively, even though all the Republicans have done is reject any incoming ideas of health care. The argument still stands, what can the Republicans bring to the table?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chinese Threats to Obama

This article is about President Obama having the Dalai Lama visit the White House on February 18th. Although everyone may be excited for the visit of this spiritual leader, the Chinese seem to have a different perspective. Ma Zhaoxu, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stated that the US should "honor its commitment to recognizing Tibet as part of China and oppose 'Tibet Independence.'" Zhaoxu tried to urge the Obama administration to cancel the visit so that it could not cause "further damage to the Sino-US relations," but failed. In 2009, President Obama planned to meet with the Dalai Lama, then fly to China, but the flight was cancelled due to deference of the Chinese Government.