Sunday, May 9, 2010

Arizona, Arizona, Arizona

I agree with you all the way. I applaud Arizona for taking the necessary steps to get immigration under control, they are just going about it all wrong! Im sure some kind of board of educated officials could come up with a better way to handle this situation rather than calling out people that could "look" like they are immigrants. I can only see bad things happening coming from this law. Im not saying all cops are crooked, innocent people could possibly get screwed over this ridiculous law. Hopefully the law is specific enough that problems do not arise from this. As far as immigration goes, I believe that we could be mistreating people who are working towards a better life for thier families, and trying to make a better living. But I also agree that American citizens have spent enough money on illegal immigrants, and something must be done. I am not picking sides, but Arizona should probably jusify the bill to make it a little less harsh.

I bet Mexicans clean their house...

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